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     betway手机版登录 ,英文名称:China Printed Circuit Association ,缩写:CPCA 。CPCA成立于 1990 年 6 月,由电子电路(PCB)、覆铜箔板(CCL)、原辅材料、专用设备以及电子装联(SMT)和电子制造服务(EMS)企业以及相关科研院校自愿结成的全国性、行业性社会团体,是非营利性社会组织。本会的登记管理机关是中华人民共和国民政部 , 党建领导机关是中央和国家机关工作委员会。本会接受登记管理机关、党建领导机关、有关行业管理部门的业务指导和监督管理。本会会员分布和活动地域为全国。协会下设九个二级分会,现有会员单位超过 1000 家。本会的工作主要是通过民主协商、协调,为本行业的共同利益,发挥提供服务、反映诉求、规范行为的作用。CPCA 立足“引领、专业、平台、服务、规范”,服务政府、服务会员、服务社会,在产业发展、行业研究、标准制定、技术交流、展览展示、刊物出版、人才培养、国际交流等方面积极开展工作。

China Printed Circuit Association (CPCA) is thenational level association approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of thePeople’s Republic of China .CPCA is established in June 1990, CPCA membersmainly consist of PCB producers, CCL and material suppliers, special equipmentmanufacturers, SMT and EMS suppliers and related colleges and researchinstitutes. CPCA has nine national secondary branch associations and over 1000members. CPCA organizes enterprises to participate in the development of CPCAand make WECC standards, CPCA standards; composes joint standards with IPC andJPCA; participates in the development of custom tariff terms standard and theunit consumption standards; publishes printed circuit information newspapersand magazines; hosts CPCA annual international exhibition ; holds annual Springand Autumn international PCB information/Technology forums; conducts workersskill training and organizes different kinds of lectures; carries out industrysurvey and issues annual industry development report.
